Looking Forward 6 April 2015
Happy Monday, everyone! I had an issue with my alarm this morning, forgot about Looking Forward in my rush to get it together for work, and am now sitting at work trying to wake up enough to do something. So in order for me to bring back Looking Forward, Becky and I are working together: she’ll pull three cards and I’ll interpret for us. We’ll be working with the traditional Rider-Waite deck today.
King of Wands
Creative, inspiring, forceful, charismatic, bold
The King of Wands might show up as a creative person or characteristics for you to emulate. Are you honoring your creative, charismatic, bold self? Be commanding and don’t let obstacles block your way to your passions this week.
9 of Wands
Defensiveness, perseverance, stamina
You might doubt yourself while following your passion, but the 9 of Wands reminds us to persevere and stay focused on our goals. Defend yourself from negative thoughts and others’ doubts, and keep doing what you’re doing.
9 of Cups
Wish fulfillment, satisfaction, sensual pleasure
While we’re at it, remember Meditation February? Meditation, to me, is a way of getting in touch with your senses and awareness, and 9 of Cups says to stay aware of all our senses while we’re pursuing our week. It’s not enough to feel the thrill of passion in your head, but what about your hands? How do you feel with the sound and feel of the wind rushing past your ears while you chase what you need? What about tastes? Paying attention will bring us greater satisfaction and joy.
Oddly, 9 is an important, magical number to me: the fact that it’s showing up twice makes me sit up and pay attention. There is a fire being sparked this week, and it’s important to be awake and alive for it. Having just passed the spring equinox, Passover, and Easter, all times of honoring the energy of renewal and waking up, springing into action, I would say it’s a good week to work with that energy of newness and take up something we’ve been wanting to do, but haven’t quite had the energy for it yet. Something new and exciting, and making sure you’re very aware of all of your senses while you do it. Something might just surprise you.
Have a great week!