Looking Forward 15 September 2015
All right, so I’m a day late. I had this whole new site to set up! Welcome to Witchling in Flight, which will continue to focus on Tarot with all the other things I’m interested in. There’s obviously still a lot for me to set up, but hey, I’m a work in progress, and this is my site. 🙂 It makes sense!
But I’m still excited to keep writing Looking Forward posts. Last week’s turned out SO true for me that I’m almost afraid to, but I just can’t give these silly Tarot cards up! I did some battle and look at my shiny new web site, which will hopefully turn into something great. So let me dive in to this week’s.
King of Bats
A strong, powerful authority figure with a penchant for law and justice. A firm enemy and a firm friend.
The King of Bats also weighs in on family matters, so if anything’s going on with your family lately, you might need a King of Bats to help right it. Try to avoid making the King of Bats into an enemy! It’s way better to have his force and power on your side.
Page of Bats
An eager, graceful, intuitive young person on a fact-finding mission. A flair for spydom.
This person is ready to take action, get things done, and make sure the momentum is going to keep going. If you have a big project that needs doing, find the Page of Bats in your life and harness their energy and enthusiasm. Maybe you are the Page of Bats? If so, I envy you!
Knight of Ghosts
A poetic, yet driven young man striking out on his own. A message, a proposition, or invitation.
On this note, we want to balance out the solemnity of the last two cards with the Knight of Ghosts, a person who has more to do with dreaming a bit than coming up with amazing new things. If this person shows up in your life, make sure you’re paying good attention to how you’re feeling, and remember that feelings and emotions are good messages about whether you’re going in the right direction.
It looks like this week will present quite a few new people eager to push us toward in our quests. I have been noticing monumental changes in many friends’ lives this past week, and I think we’re making room for the next stage in our lives. We’ll have to keep a look out for this King, Page, and Knight to help us along in this journey.
One thought on “Looking Forward 15 September 2015”
It feels like the witches are being called into play in the world, or least brought to their calling by no gentle hand.
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